This is followed by receiving blessing from Elders. This is the best part!
In childhood days, we used to wait for this moment with eager breath. After falling on their feet, we would get "
Vishu Kai-nettam" - a small amount of money from our elders. In my father's days, he used to get a "anna" or "rupee". Then hierarchy played an important role and decided how much you will get. My father being the eldest Male son used to get a little higher than other siblings. In my childhood, I remember getting 10 rupees or moret from each of the elders. My cousins and myself would pester the elders to give more till they yield. The money accumulated would then go into buying Ice-creams!
There are pujas or prayers and hymns are sang praising the Lord. Food for
Lord Ganapati - Vigneshwara is served . Its a Hindu ritual to serve food to Lord before commons. Then comes the afternoon "
Sadhya" - the grandeous meal. This is one day when I get to eat Malayali delicacies on plantain leaves. The other days being
my birthday and
Onam. These are days when
Chappatis wont be made in my house. My sadhya favourites are
Avial, Olan, Thoran, Mooru-Kuttan, Ingi-tair and Papadam. (
Kerala Papad).
Paysam(Kheer) is served as desert at the end of the lunch.
Vishu and Onam Sadhyas meant a lot to my father and his brother-sisters during their chidhood. These sadhyas brought happiness and joy and helped them forget their poverty for a day. For a day, they could feast and have many things to eat! It was a day when they would get to have Papadam and payasam and get a change from Kanji or sometimes nothing!
Today, Kerala like many other Indian states have very less agricultural land and many few people pursue agriculture.
Today, Vishu may hardly look like a Harvest or Spring festival and more like a Gold or Silk Sarees purchase festival. Also as Inflation and Food Scarcity hits the market, Vishu may have lost its traditional essence; however, for many
N.R.K. (I mean Non-resident Keralites) like me, it helps me connect myself to the Malayali Culture. Its one festival I enjoy every year.
This year Maharashtra government has declared a state holiday on account of Ambedkar Jayanti. This has helped many Malayalis like me to stay at home and enjoy the festival. Thanks to the Government!
Other Photos :
(1) With Flash (unfortunately the flash has masked the Lord's face)
The "
Konna puv" flower can be seen near the Lord's photo.

(2) The "
Urli" (utensil's name). Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers filled Urli. (I tried to maintain symmetry while placing the fruits n vegetables in the "Urli" for
Vishukanni ! The small metal item in front is called "Valkannadi". It means hand-held mirror(

(3) This time I decided to keep some of my favourite Foreign Coins along with the usuals.
I have kept Briton's 2Shilling, US Quarter, Euro 50Cent, Belgium 5Francs and Saudi 0.1Riyal.
